Christine Michelle Audiobooks moving to wide release, preorders, and podcasts where you can listen for free!

The Other Princess (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 1)
Written by: Christine Michelle
Narrated by: Sarah Puckett and DC Cole
Currently Available at Amazon, Audible, and iBooks.
Preorder available via Kobo
$9 for the audiobook.
Ebook, Print, and Audiobook links can be found here:
Links will be updated as more become available! This audiobook will release wide (to Kobo and 40+ different platforms including libraries via Hoopla and Overdrive and subscriptions services like Scribd and Kobo Plus)! on May 26, 2023.

A Love so Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2)
Written by: Christine Michelle
Narrated by: Sarah Puckett and Michael Norman Johnson
Currently Available at Amazon, Audible, and iBooks.
Preorder available via Kobo coming soon.
Ebook, Print, and Audiobook links can be found here:
Links will be updated as more become available! This audiobook will release wide (to Kobo and 40+ different platforms including libraries via Hoopla and Overdrive and subscriptions services like Scribd and Kobo Plus)! on May 26, 2023.

The Princess and the Prospect (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 3)
Written by: Christine Michelle
Narrated by: Sarah Puckett and Tim Paige
Currently Available at Amazon, Audible, and iBooks.
Preorder available via Kobo coming soon.
Ebook, Print, and Audiobook links can be found here:
Links will be updated as more become available! This Christine Michelle audiobook will release wide (to Kobo and 40+ different platforms including libraries via Hoopla and Overdrive and subscriptions services like Scribd and Kobo Plus)! on May 26, 2023.

Dancing with Danger (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 1)
Written by: Christine Michelle
Narrated by: Christine Michelle
Preorder on Kobo:
Ebook, Print, and Audiobook links can be found here:
Links will be updated as more become available! This audiobook will release wide (to Kobo and 40+ different platforms including libraries via Hoopla and Overdrive and subscriptions services like Scribd and Kobo Plus)! on July 4, 2023.
If you don't want to wait for Dancing with Danger, you can follow along as the author reads a new chapter per week on The Author's Voice Podcast.

Christine Michelle is currently reading Dancing with Danger (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 1). The first five chapters are already available (as of March 10, 2023). Two new chapters release per week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)!
You can also find it directly on Spotify by clicking here!
Or you can follow along right here on the Moonlit Dreams Publications' website! Click the link or go to podcast via the site menu!
Readers recently voted, and the next book to be narrated by the author on The Author's Voice podcast (after Dancing with Danger finishes) will be Redemption Weather (Aces High MC - Cedar Falls Book 1)